Automatic Waterers Cost
Our products range from $489 – $589 depending on whether indoor usage or outdoor usage and your climate.
Non-Insulated Waterers
This unit is designed for climates that have frost lines 12 inches or less. Common states and areas that use this unit are Southern California, Florida, Alabama, some parts of Georgia, and similar climates. The unit can withstand freezing and some cold weather but not harsh winters.
Insulated Waterers
This unit is for climates that have frost lines deeper than 12 inches and is made for moderately cold climates and severe and extreme temperatures. This unit has an insulator in the middle of the unit that prevents the warm air at the bottom of the unit from rising and escaping out the top of the unit. For further information see the “How It Works” page for a visual reminder of this feature.
Chew Guards
For cribbers and chronic chewers, a metal chewing guard can be attached to the top of the unit. The basic unit is designed for occasional chewing but not for the cribber that is constantly chewing. For this type of wear we recommend this option.
Contact us at 800-451-2230 or email us for Automatic Waterer prices for your specific climate and animal needs.